Bonds Schuldschein Registered Bonds Loans Claims

Innovative - Independent - Specialized - Goal-oriented
Staying ahead, together.
We create liquidity and markets.

Financial markets are subject to constant change. Trading in financial instruments is complex and fast-moving. What does it take to stay ahead of the game? Experienced specialists with a long track record and high professional standards. Therefore, investment firms have to specialise in order to offer an excellent service.

That's why we at Capital Solutions Advisory (CASOAD) concentrate on what we do best. That's our credo. Our strength is debt capital products: we are experienced professionals in supporting our clients to successfully sell or purchase bonds, Schuldscheins, registered bonds, loans and claims. We work with institutional clients as well as the public sector and cover the primary-and secondary markets.

Discover the advantages of working with us.

To succeed you have to be innovative


Our strengths give you the decisive edge

Making the difference by being different

Financial Market Solutions

Tailor-made solutions

Due to rapidly changing market conditions, we are constantly developing our services to offer the best possible service to our customers. In addition to classical capital market products, such as bonds, Schuldscheins, and registered bonds, we also support our clients with selling and purchasing loans and claims. Our offering covers the entire capital structure. We support our customers with covered issues as well as with equity-like financial products.

We support our clients in illiquid and distressed asset transactions and also assist our partners in the placement of a broad range of financing instruments on the primary market, leveraging our national and international client network built over many years.

Staying ahead

We understand the needs of our clients and the financial market conditions very well, and act as specialists and market makers to create liquidity on the primary and secondary markets.

In contrast to large institutions with more standardized solutions, it is our focus to meet the individual needs of our customers in the best possible way through tailor-made support.


Primary markets

We support our clients with the issuing of bonds, Schuldscheins, registered bonds and loans, and help to implement tailor-made financing solutions. We assist issuers and borrowers in the transaction process end-to-end: from structuring to the successful placement of issues to selected institutional clients. We focus on issues up to EUR 100 million and have established ourselves particularly with medium-sized companies and financial institutions, as well as in the area of public sector debt.

With our high market penetration, we are able to offer our issuers and borrowers fast access to professional capital market investors and create individual financing options at low cost while keeping bureaucracy to a minimum.

Furthermore, our many years of capital markets and banking experience enable us to offer our customers unique financing solutions fitting their specific requirements.

secondary markets

In the secondary markets, we specialize in illiquid and distressed debt. With our broad client network and many years of experience in these illiquid markets, we successfully act as intermediary between buyers and sellers. Where there appears to be no liquidity, we create markets and facilitate opportunities for business.

With our lean corporate structure, we are able to pass on service and cost advantages to our customers. But our service does not end at the best tradable price. We rather see ourselves as a comprehensive service provider on the financial market. We show innovative opportunities and interesting offers to our customers, and support them in all transaction steps.



We continually expand our product portfolio which includes, in addition to traditional capital market products such as bonds, Schuldscheins and registered bonds, also loans and claims. This enables us to cover the entire capital structure from covered issues to equity-like financing instruments. In addition to supporting the sale or purchasing of financial instruments with a good credit rating, we also support our customers with our experience and expertise in the sale of distressed assets and portfolios.

Our clients

Capital Solutions Advisory (CASOAD) specializes in institutional or quasi-institutional clients. Our well diversified client network is based on long-standing personal relationships and trust. Our business network is international and extends far beyond the borders of the German-speaking countries.

In contrast to large institutions with more standardized solutions, it is our focus to meet the individual needs of our customers in the best possible way through tailor-made support.

Our customers include:

Shared values, a strong team
Loyalty - fairness - honesty - flexibility

It is our goal to bring different interests in the financial market together through efficient solutions and proactively managing the relationship with our customers and partners.

We are proud that our team has been working successfully for clients in our target markets Austria and Germany as well as in selected European countries for many years. We understand the needs of our clients and have many years of financial market experience as well as fast access to numerous national and international investors.

We like challenges and find innovative solutions for our customers, even for complex tasks or seemingly unsaleable products.

We see ourselves as a service provider to support our clients with the successful sale or purchasing of a broad range of financial instruments, and are always looking for the best solution for our clients with a high level of personal commitment. Our motto is: Our commitment to your success!

Christoph Mitterer


T: +43 316 341 644 111

Richard Haiden


T: +43 316 341 644 112


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Fraud: Warning about fake website /

Warning about fake website / The Austrian-based investment firm Capital Solutions Advisory GmbH (FN525593g) warns customers about the website On this website you are offered to carry out investment activities. This is an attempt at fraud. The fraudulent website should not be confused with the website of the Austrian investment firm Capital Solutions Advisory GmbH (FN 525593g), Ballhausgasse 3/7, A-8010 Graz, which can be accessed at  .

It should be noted that there is no connection between the unknown operators of the website and Capital Solutions Advisory GmbH, FN525593g, 8010 Graz, Ballhausgasse 3/7, Austria.

Escroquerie à la carte: Mise en garde contre un faux site web /

L’entreprise d’investissement Capital Solutions Advisory GmbH (FN525593g), établie en Autriche, met en garde ses clients contre le site Ce site vous propose d’effectuer des activités de placement. Il s’agit d’une tentative d’escroquerie. Le site Internet frauduleux ne doit pas être confondu avec le site Internet de l’entreprise d’investissement autrichienne Capital Solutions Advisory GmbH (FN 525593g), Ballhausgasse 3/7, A-8010 Graz, qui peut être consulté à l’adresse suivante :

Il est à noter qu’il n’existe aucun lien entre les exploitants inconnus du site et Capital Solutions Advisory GmbH, FN 525593g, 8010 Graz, Ballhausgasse 3/7, Autriche.